Wellbeing Program on the Isola Lunga
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Anciently called Drepanon (in greek language=sickle ), Trapani is settled in a land like a sickle that juts out into the Mediterranean. The city was disputed by the Greeks and the Carthaginians and the Romans in 241 BC gave Reached its zenith with the Aragonese.
The Trapani today, with the well-kept old town, has beautiful historic buildings and churches, and also makes a fine show windows with interesting tourist attraction. Do not miss: Shrine of the Annunciation, Pepoli Museum, Piazza Garibaldi, C.so Vittorio Emanuele, the fish market area in the Tower of Ligny.
In this area, it is recommended to breathe in the sea area of the coast where you can dive in crystal clear water and healthy. Always, around Easter time, Trapani has a very important religious event called the Mysteries, where each commercial category (artisans, fishermen, traders, etc.) have their own tank carried on the shoulders of believers throughout the night of Good Friday.
In recent years, however, Trapani has become a tourist destination sailing sport that annually in the month of September with important welcomes boats for regattas. Finally the city is famous for the culinary arts: busiati to Trapani, Trapani pasta with pesto, tuna stuffed pizzas and various sfincione, iced jasmine, mint, orange, etc.Trapani is about 20 km from Marsala.